
Run sudo command without a password on Linux

To run sudo commands without being prompted for a password on Linux, you can modify the sudoers file to grant this permission to a specific user or group.

Edit the sudoers File

1. Open a terminal.

2. Edit the sudoers file using the visudo command. This ensures that the file is locked and prevents simultaneous edits:

sudo visudo

3. Add a line to grant passwordless sudo access.

For a specific user:


For a specific group (replace groupname with the actual group name):

%groupname ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Example: Granting Passwordless sudo Access to a User

If your username is john, you would add:


Save and Exit

If you’re using nano as the editor (which is the default for visudo on some systems), press Ctrl+X, then Y, and then Enter to save and exit.


You can test it by running a sudo command:

sudo ls /root

If configured correctly, it should not prompt you for a password.

Syncing System Clock with RTC:

• Security Risk: Granting passwordless sudo access can be a security risk, especially if the account is compromised. Use it with caution.

• Scope: You can limit the scope of passwordless sudo by specifying particular commands instead of ALL. For example:

john ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get, /usr/bin/systemctl

This configuration would allow the user john to run apt-get and systemctl commands without a password, but not other sudo commands.
By following these steps, you can configure passwordless sudo access on your Linux system.

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